A natural floor covering consisting of separate planks of a certain size made of hardwood: oak and ash trees. The edges and ends of the parquet planks have a “tongue and groove” profile to connect them into a solid parquet flooring. Strip parquet can be installed on the floor using various types of laying: traditional "Herringbone pattern", "Diagonal pattern", "Random Pattern", "Brick pattern" and others. Using a set of parquet blocks of different types of wood, you can also create simple geometric patterns on the floor.
Wood species: oak, ash tree
Quality description: І sort, ІІ sort, ІІІ sort
I sort - Allowed: on the front side live knots up to 3 mm in diameter, sapwood that does not come out on the working surface. Not allowed: changes in natural color, rot, curvature, bark beetle, knots with a diameter greater than 3 mm.
II sort - Allowed: sapwood that does not come out on the working surface, single black knots up to 3 mm in diameter, live (white) knots up to 8 mm in diameter. Not allowed: changes in natural color, rot, cracks, mechanical damage.
III sort - sapwood on the work surface is allowed.
Dimensions: thickness - 15/20 mm; width - 70/90 mm; length - 350 - 1200 mm
Features: Strip parquet with micro bevel (0.5 - 1 mm at an angle of 45 degrees) and without micro bevel.
A solid wooden board is a time-honored classic for beautiful, sustainable flooring. This natural building material has excellent thermal insulation properties and good sound insulation.
The solid board, the so-called useful layer (the layer that is located between the tongue and groove and the front surface of the board) is much larger than that of Strip parquet, and therefore the lifetime of such a floor is longer. This type of flooring is not only durable but also perfectly suits all designs idea. Solid wood flooring looks luxurious and stylish. A solid floorboard expands the space of the premises visually.
Wood species: oak, ash tree
Quality description: Premium (I sort), Natures (ІІ sort), Rustic (ІІІ sort)
Premium (I sort) - small numbers of live knots up to 8 mm in diameter are allowed. Cracks, sapwood, good condition knots, rotten knots, and other defects are not allowed.
Natures (ІІ sort) - single black knots up to 15 mm in diameter, light and live knots up to 35 mm in diameter, sapwood up to 10 mm are allowed.
Rustic (ІІІ sort) - Allowed: black knots with a diameter of up to 25 mm, light and live knots with a diameter of up to 65 mm, formation cracks up to 5 cm in an amount of maximum 5% of the board, natural color changes, sapwood up to 30 mm
Dimensions: 15/16/20 x 130/140/160/180 x 600-2200 mm
Features: solid oak flooring without micro bevel or with micro bevel (1-2 mm at an angle of 45 degrees). Coated (or not coated) with wax oil with the addition of pigments of white, transparent, coffee or cognac color.
Two-ply floorboards (engineered floorboards) is a two-layer structure, where: A textured Oak 2 Strip Board.
1st layer - high quality, eco-friendly, birch, waterproof FSF plywood produced by ODEK Ukraine (14 or 11 mm), which is used in shipbuilding and house building. 2nd layer - oak lamella (6 or 4 mm).
Such a board is less amenable to atmospheric influences, therefore, is more stable. Suitable for use with floor heating systems. Also, the board undergoes an industrial coating with wax oil in four shades: coffee, cognac, white and transparent (natural), by the German company "OSMO". This wax oil is a high-quality eco-friendly product based on linseed oil.
Wood species: oak, ash tree
Quality description: І sort, ІІ sort, ІІІ sort
I sort - knots up to 1 mm are allowed, the slight color difference.
ІІ sort - knots 20 mm, 15 mm defects (filled) are allowed. Sapwood, natural color differences are not allowed.
ІІІ sort - knots up to 40 mm in diameter, open defects up to 30 mm, heartwood, the natural color differences are allowed.
ІV sort - knots up to 80 mm, open defects up to 60 mm, sapwood up to 25 mm, heartwood, the natural color differences are allowed
Dimensions: Thickness: 20mm (14mm birch FSF plywood + 6mm oak lamella) and 16mm (11mm birch FSF plywood + 4mm oak lamella)
Width: 140, 180, 220, 250, 300 mm
Length: 600 to 2800 mm
Fuel briquettes
Pini & Kay

Produced on mechanical presses, through a combination of high pressure and external heat treatment. The briquettes have the shape of a polyhedron with a hole inside; outside, they are covered with a dark crust due to the burnt surface. Pini & Kay have the best results in terms of duration of the burning process and the warmth of combustion among all types of fuel briquettes. Resistant to mechanical impact and humidity. Briquettes burn and smoulder for a long time (more than 4 hours), they are safe - they do not spark. Briquettes do not include any adhesive materials, except for one natural - lignin, which is contained in the cells of plant waste. The temperature during compressing contributes to the melting of the briquette surface, which thereby becomes more solid, which is important for the transportation of the briquettes.
Wood species: oak
Key Benefits:
- economically more profitable than firewood;
- environmental friendliness, there are no unpleasant odors and harmful emissions during combustion;
- convenient shape, easy to store;
- heat transfer of fuel briquettes Pini&Kay is several times higher than firewood, they are the best among fuel briquettes;
- high humidity resistance
Size - 60*60*225 mm
Ash content - 0,34%
Humidity - 5,33%
Sulfur - 0,01%
Volatile - 77,58%
The heat of combustion, highest / lowest - 4717/4133 kcal/kg
Briquettes are packed with shrink wrap for 12 pcs. Package weight - 10 kg. They are transported on a pallet for 96 packages.
Both a one-time delivery and long-term cooperation are possible.